Proud and Presuming

I speak unto you this day and I say that you are living in times when those who are claiming to be My people are not seeking Me, nor are they obeying the commands of My Spirit. Instead, they are proud and presuming that they know more than they do. By such attitudes, they bring to themselves many problems that they do not have to invite, yet they do because they are too proud to seek their counsel of Me.

I do not intend, nor have I ever intended, for My people to choose to seek their counsel of the world or go by their own understanding. Yet they are doing those things, and by the same their troubles are multiplied. They are not living in the wholesome fear of Me, and they are being swayed by the opinions of men rather than My opinion of them. Because they have chosen to stray from Me, they are the ones who are living in confusion, delusion, disillusionment, and despair.

Be aware that you are living in times when multitudes and nations have gone astray, and because of their choices against Me rather than for Me, they do not bear good fruit. They make decisions being guided by demonic shape-shifting beings that they have invited into their lives, and by the same they are totally corrupted. If you consider the troubles and the terrors that are present throughout the world, they are terrible to behold, and these things are the consequence of My people failing to remain true to Me as their Maker and their keeper.

As the nations are being ruled by these demonized despots, the people are groaning under the darkness that is upon them. Many are awakening to the fact that they are being ruled by cannibalistic communists who have nothing but their own well-being in mind. While the leaders are under the control of demons, the people are forced to be under the coverings of perversity, diversity, and insanity.

By such coverings, ordinary people who do not know Me are being awakened to the fact that the workers of witchcraft have taken control. Even those who do not fear Me are being awakened by the atrocities that are daily being committed by the ones who bear rule over the nations, tribes and peoples.

I do not call people to be found in such conditions as they are in during these days of darkness. Yet such darkness and the conditions of wickedness that are in rule are the consequence of My people failing to keep Me as the One they fear and obey. Instead, My people have committed spiritual harlotry, and by their own unfaithfulness, they have ceased to be the salt and the light to these sin-sick generations that are headed to damnation.

It is not by My failures to be available to My people, for I have given to them the best. They have rejected and rebelled against My mercies and have chosen to go in the way of miseries never ceasing. Then, when they see the conditions that are so oppressive, many of them will not repent, but they will accuse Me as though I am the cause of their troubles and terrors. However, the reality is that they are the ones who chose to go a whoring, and then are faced with the consequences of their infidelity.

Be aware that the powers of darkness are in an all-out assault in these times, in an effort to denigrate, desecrate, and deviate multitudes to the extent that they become so debauched and degraded that they incur My wrath. Then, the very demons that lured them into the snares they are in will laugh and take cruel and calloused pleasure in seeing such dupes punished by Me.

Know, however, that I am sending My wrath to the ones who are refusing to humble themselves, and at the same time I am sending My goodness to the ones who are walking in humility before Me, seeking My counsel. Be giving Me praise this day that you can walk in the attitude of gratitude and receive the tender mercies I have prepared for you each day. Do not be as the stupid who discard mercy and take up misery because they are paying heed to demons rather than Me.

I do not call My people to be dull and dumb because they have taken up with the idols of the heathen and are bowing to those things that can only make them dumber. My people are meant to serve Me with gladness each and every day because I have given to them the mercies that can only be given to the ones who are respecting Me and reverencing My rule over them.

Those who are declaring that they are Mine are not meant to be proud and presuming and by the same bring unneeded and unnecessary problems to themselves and to the world. I have appointed My people to the very important position of holding back the criminal corruption that is everywhere, waiting to invade. When those who are claiming to be Mine make covenants with idols, then darkness and evil come in like a flood and sweep many into the sea of iniquity.

Do not have the blood of sinners on your hands because you knew better yet cast off soberness to take up drunkenness and participate in folly. Do not long after the “pleasures of sin for a season” when you are meant to come forth uplifted, guided, and directed in the way that I have for you. Keep your hearts stayed upon Me and ask for the mind of My Spirit to direct you daily that you can be the antithesis of the evil that is abounding.

Be glad to be called and given the commission as warriors for righteousness. As you do, then you can see that My mercies will be with you when others are under the acute miseries that are the cup of the rebellious and resentful.