I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who sent blindness upon Saul of Tarsus, who persecuted My people and had them put to death because they believed in My Son Jesus Christ. Saul was a very educated Jew who imagined that He must destroy those who believed in Jesus because they were deceived. However, he was the one who was deceived, and I brought him down and humbled him through blindness, that I could give him true sight and true light.
I am able to do the same thing in these times against and upon those who persecute My people. Therefore do not grow weary in seeking Me, for there are those that I will direct you to pray for, and when My Spirit gives you divine commands to pray for the least likely, do not neglect to obey those commands.
My intention is that those who have been the enemies of Myself, My Son, My Spirit, and My people would be humbled and cry out to be redeemed and spared from the penalty of their sins. When they are brought down, then they can be enlightened to see that they must be declaring My kingdom above all earthly kingdoms.
Those who are thankful to be born again of incorruptible seed and realize just how much they did against My kingdom people and purposes will be in the attitude of gratitude and realizing how much they have to be thankful for. Likewise, they will not be ashamed to declare Me wherever and whenever My Spirit sends and directs them to go.
I do not find pleasure in those who have to be coaxed and cuddled to obey Me; I find pleasure in those who are zealous for My kingdom and willing to declare what I ask of them with gladness and rejoicing.
Be thankful even this day that you do not need to be resenting any commands that you are given by My Spirit. Rather, you can be in obedience to those commands and knowing of a surety that I am the God whose power and glory are omnipresent and available to you each day.
It is Me the Living God who gives to every man, woman, and child upon this earth the opportunity to live. However, greater than the physical life is the spiritual life that comes to those who believe upon Jesus and cry out to Him in repentance and are born again of incorruptible seed.
Keep in mind that as you remain true and faithful witnesses of My kingdom, you will see that I do intend for people to come forth, being born again of incorruptible seed and enabled to live in righteousness rather than wickedness. Do not neglect the challenge when My Spirit will direct you to pray for the wicked, who are empowered by demons who will only use them for a time and season, then make sure they are dead and damned.
Therefore do not grow slothful with respect to praying in accordance to My Spirit’s directives, for if you remain diligent, you will see that I hear you when you pray in accordance to My Spirit’s directives. It is My intention that those who have so bitterly opposed Me would be humbled by whatever measure I choose. By such humbling, I want them to be enabled to see the wickedness they have given themselves unto and admit their misery so that they would embrace My mercy.
Quite clearly, there are some even now who are kings and queens, or so they imagine, that I have marked to bring to ruination, that they will be humbled and cry out to Me, for I am omnipresent. I do not refuse even those who have allowed themselves to be possessed by demons when they are aware of their own desperate situations and the hell that is awaiting them.
It is true that some will never be redeemed. However, it is also true that some of the least likely will be redeemed and become valiant for the truth and stand for My kingdom both day and night, declaring what is right in My sight.
Consider that the ones who are passing judgments in the flesh according to their own wickedness and blindness will be held accountable for the same. I will judge the judges for their unrighteousness and their evil intent towards My people.
Therefore, know of a surety that I give to every person what they deserve, and those who are humbled to see their own miserable, wretched, and wicked lives and ask for forgiveness will be forgiven. Then, they in turn will be eager and zealous to proclaim what I have done for them.
The reality is that nothing is impossible for Me, because I am able to do things that no man or woman can do, and as I do those things, people will be thankful to know that by Me they can and will be guided in truth. Know that those who are bending the knee to Me are given the sight to see and the clear light in the midst of darkness. Such as these will not be afraid nor ashamed to declare what has and is being done for them as they adhere to Me as their Lord and Master.
Do not by any means choose to walk afar off from Me. Rather come forth, knowing that the way that I give is indeed the way that is My life, My intention, and My mercy. Do not fear the wicked, but rather realize that if they do not repent, their lives will become increasingly more miserable and their insanity more clearly evident.
Even people who are not particularly aware will be awakened to see that such ones are demonically driven to an agenda of destruction, despair, death, and damnation. It is Me the Living God who is the Almighty, and I am the One who gives both mercy and misery according to the choices that people make either for Me or against Me.