The Rebellious Will Refuse, Accuse, and Abuse

I speak unto you this day and I say: Beware the rebellious, for they are full of venom and they will refuse to change when approached with the truth. Instead, they choose to refuse, accuse, and abuse those who have come as My messengers to give them warning. However, I do not want you to neglect to warn them when My Spirit directs you to do the same. This is because when you are doing as I direct, then are you choosing the way that is correct.

As those who are meant to carry My message to these sin-sick and perverse generations and nations, do not shun the duties that I have put before you to accomplish, because as you adhere to My desire, so are you in obedience. It is intended that the rebellious be warned, and whether they hear and obey or continue to refuse, accuse, and abuse, you must remain faithful at the task I have given you to accomplish.

It has never been My intention that those who are Mine would become fearful rather than faithful. Therefore keep steadily looking unto Me as the One who will give to you the courage to continue in the commission that I give to you to do. Do not be frightened by their scowling faces nor their hatred towards you. Realize that when people are covered in rebellion and personally living out that rebellion, they are not going to react kindly towards the truth. No; rather, they are going to be angry, hostile, and accusatory towards the messengers that I send.

Inasmuch as you are living in times when the truth has been neglected and lies have been exalted, do not expect that you will be received with love when you come declaring the truth. This is because people have heard the lies for so long that they have adapted themselves to the same and are choosing to believe lies and liars rather than the truth that I provide.

Be thankful that you do not need to be covered in lies nor listen to those lies, for you are not meant to be under the coverings of the wicked. I will cover those who seek for Me and desire My way in the truth, and by truth they will be uplifted and brought forth by a plain path and shown My light upon the path.

Those who I choose to declare My message to these lost generations will be encouraged daily through My Word if they will hear and obey the same. I do not call My people to wander afar off from Me and to go after the vanity, profanity, and insanity of these times. I intend that My people would be fully anchored in Me that they are not overwhelmed by the filthy waters of the sea of iniquity.

When you see the waves of wickedness that are sweeping over the world’s people at this time, realize that I am your high tower of strength and safety. It is Me who will give you clear divine light in the midst of the darkness that is abundant. Without My light, people grope and fall in darkness and are taken under by the currents of sin that are present.

I do not intend that those who I have called to be My messengers would be taken under. I intend that they would come forth standing strong above the filthy, vile waves of sin that are covering multitudes. Know that I am well able to keep the ones who are true to Me and to lift them above this world and its wickedness that they do not become rebellious as are the rebels I send them to.

When you consider how many people are going in the way of death rather than the way of life that I intend, be thankful that you do not need to be involved in the same. Rather, you can come forth, knowing that I do not withhold any good thing from the righteous who will keep themselves in right standing with Me.

Stop and consider: You are not meant to be involved in the world to the extent that you become tainted by the influences of the same and are seeking to please men rather than Me. I do not call you to play the whore when you will hear flattering and enticing words from those whose motives are twisted. You are meant to remain true to Me, for I am the One who is the author and the finisher of your faith.

The more that you adhere to Me, the more that you will be guided by My Spirit and given My light upon the path that you are walking in, as you follow the steps that Jesus walked in. I do not intend for you to cease being watchers, for I have called you to remain steadfast at the task I give you to do. Do not deviate nor turn away from Me; just come forth uplifted, guided, and directed by My Spirit, for you are intended to finish your course in honor, not dishonor.

There are many who start out to follow Me, then, when faced with opposition, they turn from Me and go in the way of the wicked. These ones who have become traitors are thereby rebellious and they will refuse, accuse, and abuse those who admonish them for their traitorous behaviors. However, the majority do not return, because they do not have the stamina to stand against the demonic powers they have embraced.

I do not want you to be a part of their madness; I want you to serve Me with gladness and rejoicing, remembering that you are My messengers and that your lives are not for demons of destruction.

With this in mind, keep guard over your tongues and your hearts, for out of the abundance of your hearts so will your tongues give utterance. Do not cause your own sorrows, but rather give Me thanks and praise regardless of your circumstances, and you will see the crooked paths become straight before you. Likewise, you will be able to cast off fear and remain in faith, declaring My message.