To Serve Two Masters Is Disaster

I speak unto you this day and I say that you cannot serve Me and serve money, for the two are not congruent and they will bring you to ruination. I do not call My people to live in the snare of the love of money, and many of them have given way to the same. While they are declaring that it is Me that they love, it is not true, for they are perpetually vexed because they are attempting to serve two masters.

Those who are declaring that they are My people are meant to serve Me and to keep My will above their own. I test people on their words and their declarations. Many will claim that they love Me, but it is not Me that they are serving at all, for they will run after that which will prove to be unprofitable and in the same find themselves overwhelmed and overtaken.

I do not want My people to be ensnared by the love of money, yet many who start out with zeal to serve Me end up being the slaves to money. As I have told you before and I will tell you again, do not be in slavery to money, for to be so is to be taken into the way that I do not intend for you. When you are claiming to be Mine, then your lives are not your own, for you are intended to follow in the steps of Jesus and to keep on steadily walking under the mind of My Spirit.

Do not be afraid nor ashamed to choose Me above the securities of this world, for the same are not really secure at all. In fact, those who want those things will find that such “treasures” are not valuable at all when they stand before Me. This is because they have sought to have more and more wealth, and the same is their condemnation.

Be ever attentive to My Spirit’s direction and obey the same with gladness, not sadness. I desire that My people would be willing to give as My Spirit directs and not be sad over having to part with the monies or material treasures they have accumulated.

I want My people to understand that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and those who are willing to give as I dictate will know and understand the joy that comes when they are freely giving what I have given them. Far too often, those who are claiming to be My people grow too attached to the things of this world that pass away and are of no lasting value before Me.

I do not want My people to be so tied into the world and its systems that they are not free to obey Me. The call that Jesus gave to His first disciples was to forsake all and to follow Him. This means that they could not hold to their means of support and cling to the provision that they earned for themselves above trusting that I could and would provide.

Jesus didn’t paint for those who listened to His teachings an unbeatable employment plan loaded with benefits that were of the world, nor did He promise to them a great retirement plan. Rather, My Son gave to them the reality of things as they were and would be if they became His disciples.

Be aware that the way that Jesus instructed them in was the way that would become the pattern for future generations who would want to follow in His steps. If you consider how short your lives really are in terms of eternity, do not let the lust for riches deviate you and terminate your desire for Me. I do not want you to go a whoring after the vanity, the perversity, diversity, and insanity of the world and imagine that you are all right with Me.

I do not make allowances for the lust of the flesh and allow people the indulgence of the same because they want to just do what they want. No, the standard for following Me has not changed, and those who are trusting in their own understanding are trusting in lies because they are believing in the world more than Me.

I do not want you to be believing in the world, for the same will take your hearts far from Me. Do not attempt to satisfy the greed of the carnal nature and be able to follow Me. When I the Living God do give you the call to obey Me, then do just that.

Take a good look at those who have given themselves over to the lust for money and the things that they can buy with the same. They are not walking as I ordain, for they are putting on the hypocrites’ show and pretending to be what they are not. While they love to boast of their riches, they love the same more than Me. If they are faced with sacrificing those riches to be My disciples, they will not abandon their riches to take up My plan and purpose for them. Consequently, they will not be true disciples because they are not willing to forsake all and follow Me.

Those who are attempting to pretend they have it all are not in any way remaining true to Me, because they have chosen to fulfill their own will and not Mine. Such as these will not be found well pleasing unto Me, for I will leave them to the things that they imagine are their securities, and they will howl to the wind in the hour of their desperation. I will not hear them when they cry, for they are the ones who have chosen idols above Me.

Be aware that I am not mocked, and woe is the cup of people, tribes, and nations that have abandoned Me for idols. They can call to their idols all in vain, for those things they worship are dead, and so are they in the spiritual dimension because they have chosen to ignore My Spirit. They put all of their justifications for their idols as the most important, yet those things are only important because they have made such their idols.

Do not try to serve two masters, for truly the same is disaster. Choose to serve Me and live.