I speak unto you this day and I say that now is My time to cleanse the earth and to openly expose the wicked for their wickedness and bring them to ruination. I do not want those who are wicked to remain in power and imagine that they will prevail over all, including Me, and be continuing in their insanity and profanity. This is because it is My time to cleanse and that is what I am doing, and I am making the same evident through My wrath, fury, and indignation being made openly obvious.
When you are seeing just how wicked, vile, evil and corrupt people are in these times, do not by any means be shocked by what you see, for it is Me the Living God who is allowing their public exposure and shame. It is a disgust to Me when those who have been considered as leaders become so impressed with their own importance that they become insane in the process.
I do not want leaders to destroy people by leading them in the pathways of wickedness, corruption, vileness, in open and blatant abominations against Me. Yet, when they assume that they can behave in such ways and never pay for the same, they prove how utterly foolish they are to pursue the course of their own destruction and damnation.
I do not want you to be under the assumption that you can blindly follow the blind who will lead you into the ditch of destruction and not be destroyed. Do not be blinded by the demands and commands of criminally minded despotic demonized leaders who want to rule according to their own understanding, which is dark, rather than by My standards of conduct.
When I the Living God do establish for people My standards, it is to give them boundaries that they can be guided in the way that will give them life. However, when leaders who are drunk on pride think that they are superior to Me and what I desire, they only prove that they are totally reprobate and foolish, for they have been directed by demons and they love it so. They are fools who will be brought down in the height of their folly and shown up to be nothing more than deranged and demonized mediums of the devil.
Be knowing of a surety that I the Living God am never deceived by the masquerades of those who are wise in their own eyes. Rather, I see them for what they are, and I will in My time of cleansing reveal exactly how dumb they really are. With these things in mind, do not be quick to adhere to the lies that are so present and evident for all to hear and be subject to.
I do not want My people to be destroyed and overwhelmed; I want My people to be uplifted and shown the infinite mercies that I alone do bring to those who are trusting and believing in Me. As My people, you are meant to be governed by faith and not by fear. Those who are full of fear are literally trusting more in the devil and his demons than they are trusting in Me and My angels of mercy.
As you are seeing the realities of things the way that they are, rejoice and give Me thanks and praise for the way of truth that I guide you in. Be assured that as you are in the way I give, you are shown just how much mercy you can receive of Me. It is indeed a good thing to come forth knowing Me as the One that you love and want to please.
When the truth is made evident, then those who want the truth in their lives will come to that truth and remain in it. Likewise, those who want lies will be found in the lies that they choose, and by the same they lose. As My people, you are not meant to be continually the victims of the evildoers. Rather, you are to know Me as the One who will make you victors not victims.
Be glad this day that you do not need to be subject to the uncleanness of the powers of wickedness and that you can proclaim My righteousness despite their laws. When men and women are attempting to entice and entangle you in their wickedness by their demands and commands that they constitute to be the absolute law, know that you are not meant to obey such dictates.
I do not expect My people to be under the contamination and corruption as are evidenced in these times. My people are meant to be under the commands of My Spirit and to follow the dictates of the same that they can walk in the pathway that was set forth through the pattern of Jesus Christ. My Son did not deviate from the purpose that I sent Him to earth to accomplish, and neither are My true ones to deviate from the purpose that I have for them in their earthly journeys.
I do not want you to be under the shadow of Egypt and imagining that you find refuge in the same. All that is found in Egypt, which is the depiction of the world, are the lies and delusions of people directed by demons. Be alert to adhere to the commands of My Spirit and be actively refusing, rebuking, and refuting all demonic spirits that would want to control you. As My people, you are not citizens of this world, nor of its corrupted, evil, and wicked systems of injustice. You are the citizens of My kingdom, and I rule over you in true justice and righteousness.
The more that you keep your faith in Me, the more that fear of men will disappear out of your daily lives. You are meant to fear Me and therefore obey Me with gladness because I am your source and your strength. When you are set free from the fear of men and women and their madness, then you will know how good it is to rejoice with gladness that I bear rule over you. Be knowing that My way is far above all rule by demonized despots.