My Way Is Ruination to the Wicked

I speak unto you this day and I say that while My way is life to those who are walking in righteousness, it is likewise ruination to those who are walking in wickedness. Those who are doing evil in dark places and imagine that they get by with the same are fools, for there is none who hides their evil deeds from Me. This is because My eyes are everywhere throughout the earth and I am seeing all that people do, whether good or evil. Those who are guilty of wickedness do not hide their deeds from Me, for while they may be able to fool people, they cannot and do not fool Me.

The majority of people in these times are lazy with reference to their spiritual lives and they are living in the falsity of believing what they are told. That is, they do not examine how the “laws of the land” affect their integrity with Me. Therefore, while they will dumbly accept the message that they are to obey the “laws of the land,” they fail to realize they are in disobedience to Me. I do not look kindly on such ones, for while they are enjoying their spiritual slothfulness, they are displeasing to Me.

Be aware that I do not call people to such a place of disrespect towards Me, but they bring it upon themselves by imagining that they must obey the world’s dictates. This they do in stupidity, because they are dumb with respect to what My dictates and standards are. They love it to be so because they see themselves as excused from responsibility because they are adhering to the “laws of the land.”

The reality is plain and simple: My standards and dictates are the only ones that will lead to eternal life in Me, and those who are willing to put Me first in their lives will oftentimes live outside of the law. This is because they are choosing to keep their allegiance to Me rather than bow down to the dictates of men, women, and nations that are ungodly and evil. Those who maintain their loyalty to Me will receive of the goodness I have in store for them, and I will make the way for them outside of the law.

On the other side, those who quickly bow to the beast and do not put Me above such a system of deep-set evil and wickedness will find themselves devoured by the very beast they bowed unto. Keep in mind that it was Me, and still is Me, who gives to people life. If people do not obey Me in the lifetimes I give them on this earth, they are no better than the grass that grows and then dries up and is blown to the wind.

When people choose to disobey and disrespect Me, they are dead already because they have chosen in opposition to the way of Life that only I can provide. If you consider that I am the Creator, when people grow so arrogant and are drunk on pride that they imagine they can alter My creation by altering the gender of people, they are showing forth how dumb they are. While they see themselves as all-powerful and all-knowing, they are responsible for ruining the lives of children by turning them into freaks and then bragging of their great accomplishments. However, I the Living God will smite such ones for their wickedness, for I will usher in times of My righteousness, and such ones will face ruination for their abominations.

Be thankful this day that you do not need to pay heed to those dictates of dictators who believe that whatever they say needs to be obeyed. No, if what they say is contrary to My standards, do not be deceived by their demands and commands. In the times you are in, you must not give in to the fear of the wicked, for they will always be evil and vile. I do not want you to be partakers of their wickedness by imagining that they know what they are doing and that you are meant to obey those who are in rule.

If any man, woman, and or nation is ruling according to wickedness and are giving forth dictates and commands that oppose Me, you are not obligated to give them your obedience, because if you do, the same is disobedience towards Me. You are not meant to obey mere humans above Me, for I reign supreme and My dictates are righteous. It is better to be right with Me than to render obedience to the beast that will crush you and cause you to die and be damned.

Reality is that those who put Me first are respected and honored by Me, and those who are seeking to be recognized by people are disrespecting Me and are displeasing in My sight. I do not call you to cater to people to gain their approval, for the same is fickle and transitory. One day they will be praising you; the next day they will be cursing you and claiming that you are evil.

Therefore, do not build according to the dictates of men; build according to My commands. Then, what you build will count before Me. Those who build on the wrong foundation will find themselves brought to ruination because they have built for themselves castles of corruption.

Be glad that when it is Me the Living God that you are honoring and respecting in what you do, your labors are not in vain. I do not want you to labor in uselessness when you are meant to labor for Me and be blessed, for you are proving to be laboring in usefulness. Thank Me that it is Me who has given you life, and it is Me who wants your lives to matter for My kingdom and what it is that I desire and require of My people.

Know of a surety that if you are proving to be vessels of honor, I will give to you the enduring strength of godly wisdom, and you will be able to feed others and strengthen them in the same. Be thankful that you are able to remain true to Me and be alive in Me.