Blinded Fools

I speak unto you this day and I say that those who are following their own understanding, which is carnal, are blinded fools, for they are under the control of demons and by the same are blinded. Because they have given themselves to hubris pride, they esteem themselves as all knowing. However, they do not know Me, because they are loving themselves, not Me.

I do not call men, women, and children to be found bound in the snare of self-idolatry. Yet, because of the dark coverings they yield to, they are blind. Those who are choosing the god of self above Me are choosing their own destruction because they are showing how proud they are, and pride is abomination before Me. In these times of wanton, weird, and wretched behavior, multitudes have chosen to trust in themselves, and in so choosing, they are easily swept up into the devil’s games and are puppets for demons.

It is common to find among these self-lovers the searchers or seekers, who are ever searching or seeking, yet can never come to the knowledge of the truth because they do not want the truth. These are preferring to live in lies, pretension, and hypocrisy because they do not want to change. This is because they consider themselves to be perfect when they are not. By their estimation that they are perfect they prove themselves to be highly deficient and void of the truth.

Know of a surety that I do not want you to keep company with blinded fools, for they are as moles who cannot see, yet are quite capable of biting viciously those who are near to them.

The reality of these times becomes more and more evident daily as the blinded fools who are the assumed leaders are living in overt evil and acting out wickedness as their daily routine. However, do not believe that they are the ultimate powers they believe themselves to be. The truth is that these ones are merely puppets who are controlled by others, and they can easily have their strings cut and fall to the ground. Then, new puppets are brought in to act out the demonic agenda that is in operation.

In these times, do not look to people and take what they claim at face value, for while they may act as though they are full of human compassion for the cannibalistic communistic agenda, in reality they are all pretenders. These pretenders are quite capable of turning on each other and devouring one another by their own words and acts of treason.

There is no loyalty to be found among these ones who are pretenders, for even their so-called friendships are only based on selfish motives and intentions. Know that such ones as these are quite capable of causing the destruction of their comrades if the same will benefit them.

There is no way that I the Living God put My approval on the wicked, and when they are determined by their choices to continue in their evil deeds, they prepare their own destination for damnation. Of course, the evildoers are good at the games of slander, character mutilation, defamation, and delusion. They will paint the picture of the absolute evil of their enemies, while they themselves are the workers of wickedness who are despising all that is righteous and comes of Me.

I do not want you to be involved with such ones as these, for they are full of sin-diseases, and they are highly infectious and definitely are never satisfied. They will not find any satisfaction in this life, for they have chosen according to their own understanding and not according to My intentions and dictates to them.

Therefore, do not be enticed to come and join with them, for their intentions for you are not at all good, but according to their benefits, and they will use you and abuse you when the time comes. To have confidence in such blinded fools is indeed very dumb.

I do not call My people to be dumb; I call them to follow the mind of My Spirit, for the same will guide them in My way and give to them exactly what they have need of in every situation and circumstance. The more that you will be in obedience to the mind of My Spirit and wanting to please Me, the more that blinded fools will be made evident to you.

So many who perish while they were puffed on pride end up in the consequences of that pride, and the same seals them in hell forever. They were not so wise as they considered themselves to be. They are blinded fools who believe in themselves and despise My authority over them.

Be aware that those who are purposely and repeatedly rejecting Me are blinded fools because they are led about by demons. They act out the devil’s agenda and do so willingly. They do not find a place in My kingdom because they have hardened their hearts and stiffened their necks and are choosing to be losing because they love it so. Of course, they are inwardly miserable, and the more they increase in misery, the more they want to drag others into the same wretchedness they are in.

With these things in mind, keep away from the ones who want you to join in the club of complainers who are full of their own destruction by their words and their deeds. Those who are seeing themselves as great and invincible will still die and perish as mere humans who refused Me, My Son, My Spirit, and My messengers. The death and damnation they receive are the choices that they make, and by the same they are proven to be blinded fools.

Stay away from such moles, for they will attempt to entice and entangle you in their miseries and then bite you in the end. Remain in My Spirit and see!